A selection of characters I use most …

HTML Name CodeHTML Number CodeGlyphWindowsDescription
»»»Alt + 0187right angle quote
«««Alt + 0171left angle quote
„„double low quote
““Alt + 0147left double quote
””Alt + 0148right double quote
©©©Alt + 0169copyright
™™Alt + 0153trademark sign
®®®Alt + 0174registered trademark
HTML Name CodeHTML Number CodeGlyphWindowsDescription
‘‘Alt + 0145left single quote
’’Alt + 0146right single quote
‚‚single low-9 quote
††Alt + 0134dagger
‡‡Alt + 0135double dagger
…horizontal ellipsis
‰‰Alt + 0137per mill sign
‹‹Alt + 0139single left-pointing angle quote
››Alt + 0155single right-pointing angle quote
♠♠black spade suit
♣♣black club suit
♥♥black heart suit
♦♦black diamond suit
‾‾overline, = spacing overscore
←←leftward arrow
↑↑upward arrow
→→rightward arrow
↓↓downward arrow
""""double quotation mark
&lt;&#60;<<less-than sign
&gt;&#62;>>greater-than sign
&#91;[[left square bracket
&#93;]]right square bracket
&ndash;&#150;Alt + 0150en dash
&mdash;&#151;Alt + 0151em dash
&#160; Alt + 0160nonbreaking space
&iexcl;&#161;¡Alt + 0161inverted exclamation
&cent;&#162;¢Alt + 0162cent sign
&pound;&#163;£Alt + 0163pound sterling
&curren;&#164;¤Alt + 0164general currency sign
&yen;&#165;¥Alt + 0165yen sign
&brvbar; or &brkbar;&#166;¦Alt + 0166broken vertical bar
&sect;&#167;§Alt + 0167section sign
&uml; or &die;&#168;¨Alt + 0168umlaut
&ordf;&#170;ªAlt + 0170feminine ordinal
&not;&#172;¬Alt + 0172not sign
&shy;&#173;­Alt + 0173soft hyphen
&macr; or &hibar;&#175;¯Alt + 0175macron accent
&deg;&#176;°Alt + 0176degree sign
&plusmn;&#177;±Alt + 0177plus or minus
&sup2;&#178;²Alt + 0178superscript two
&sup3;&#179;³Alt + 0179superscript three
&acute;&#180;´Alt + 0180acute accent
&micro;&#181;µAlt + 0181micro sign
&para;&#182;Alt + 0182paragraph sign
&middot;&#183;·Alt + 0183middle dot
&cedil;&#184;¸Alt + 0184cedilla
&sup1;&#185;¹Alt + 0185superscript one
&ordm;&#186;ºAlt + 0186masculine ordinal
&frac14;&#188;¼Alt + 0188one-fourth
&frac12;&#189;½Alt + 0189one-half
&frac34;&#190;¾Alt + 0190three-fourths
&iquest;&#191;¿Alt + 0191inverted question mark
&times;&#215;×Alt + 0215multiplication sign

For more Information see the original “Tip sheet on special characters

Udpate: Sometimes it is really good to store some information by oneself, as the above link is no longer working.