Time Flies

A long time ago in a city far, far away, I updated this blog and planned to use it regulary and then life happend. Now it is around 11 years later and I just revived this blog. You may ask why? As I don’t plan to update this blog anymore. I just did it, because I still had the Markdown files on my disk and needed a place to try out Hugo (a new static site generator)....

2024-05-24 · 1 min · 111 words · Mick Hohmann

Perv Color Table

After I started using Sublime Text, I didn’t find any colour schemes, which either where good looking (IMHO), or supported all the different syntax highlighters I’m using. Therefore I started my own colour scheme (Perv Orange). As it is very hard–at least for me–to see the actual colours by looking at the HEX values, I created this blog entry as a reference. The following are the colours for the different Perv Orange colour schems All used scopes and the respective colours are documented below....

2013-04-15 · 2 min · 424 words · Mick Hohmann

Time of Change

Is it really 4 years, one month and about 15 days ago, that I made my last blog entry? Yes, it is. In order to clean up a specific hostname for my upcoming project, I needed to transfer my private blog to a new FQDN. And as I haven’t used Wordpress in the last 4 years—and even didn’t care about the comment spammers—I decided why bother anymore with Wordpress. Especially, as I started using Sublime Text, which is really a lot faster than using any other editor or text input fields in a webapp....

2013-04-03 · 1 min · 122 words · Mick Hohmann

Kabel in Der Luft (German)

Und eben ist gut. Gerade bin ich im renommierten Heise-Newsticker in einem Artikel über Online-Versteigerung & die Breitband-Initiative auf den Begriff „mobiles DSL“ gestoßen. Seit Jahren wird die Abkürzung DSL irreführenderweise als Synonym für Breitband-Internet-Anschluss verwendet. DSL ist eine Abkürzung für den englischen Begriff “Digital Subscriber Line,” was soviel heißt wie „Digitale Teilnehmer Anschlussleitung“ und ein Oberbegriff für spezielle Übertragungsverfahren (ausschließlich) für Kupfer-Leitungen ist. Alleine schon aus dem „L“ (aka „Leitung“) sollte einem klar werden, dass dabei wohl ein Kabel eine wichtige Rolle spielt....

2009-02-19 · 2 min · 305 words · Mick Hohmann

Special Characters

A selection of characters I use most … HTML Name Code HTML Number Code Glyph Windows Description &raquo; &#187; » Alt + 0187 right angle quote &laquo; &#171; « Alt + 0171 left angle quote &bdquo; &#8222; „ double low quote &ldquo; &#8220; “ Alt + 0147 left double quote &rdquo; &#8221; ” Alt + 0148 right double quote &copy; &#169; © Alt + 0169 copyright &trade; &#8482; ™ Alt + 0153 trademark sign &reg; &#174; ® Alt + 0174 registered trademark HTML Name Code HTML Number Code Glyph Windows Description &lsquo; &#8216; ‘ Alt + 0145 left single quote &rsquo; &#8217; ’ Alt + 0146 right single quote &sbquo; &#8218; ‚ single low-9 quote &dagger; &#8224; † Alt + 0134 dagger &Dagger; &#8225; ‡ Alt + 0135 double dagger &#8230; … horizontal ellipsis &permil; &#8240; ‰ Alt + 0137 per mill sign &lsaquo; &#8249; ‹ Alt + 0139 single left-pointing angle quote &rsaquo; &#8250; › Alt + 0155 single right-pointing angle quote &spades; &#9824; ♠ black spade suit &clubs; &#9827; ♣ black club suit &hearts; &#9829; ♥ black heart suit &diams; &#9830; ♦ black diamond suit &oline; &#8254; ‾ overline, = spacing overscore &larr; &#8592; ← leftward arrow &uarr; &#8593; ↑ upward arrow &rarr; &#8594; → rightward arrow &darr; &#8595; ↓ downward arrow &quot; &#34; " " double quotation mark &amp; &#38; & & ampersand &lt; &#60; < < less-than sign &gt; &#62; > > greater-than sign &#91; [ [ left square bracket &#93; ] ] right square bracket &ndash; &#150; – Alt + 0150 en dash &mdash; &#151; — Alt + 0151 em dash &#160; Alt + 0160 nonbreaking space &iexcl; &#161; ¡ Alt + 0161 inverted exclamation &cent; &#162; ¢ Alt + 0162 cent sign &pound; &#163; £ Alt + 0163 pound sterling &curren; &#164; ¤ Alt + 0164 general currency sign &yen; &#165; ¥ Alt + 0165 yen sign &brvbar; or &brkbar; &#166; ¦ Alt + 0166 broken vertical bar &sect; &#167; § Alt + 0167 section sign &uml; or &die; &#168; ¨ Alt + 0168 umlaut &ordf; &#170; ª Alt + 0170 feminine ordinal &not; &#172; ¬ Alt + 0172 not sign &shy; &#173; ­ Alt + 0173 soft hyphen &macr; or &hibar; &#175; ¯ Alt + 0175 macron accent &deg; &#176; ° Alt + 0176 degree sign &plusmn; &#177; ± Alt + 0177 plus or minus &sup2; &#178; ² Alt + 0178 superscript two &sup3; &#179; ³ Alt + 0179 superscript three &acute; &#180; ´ Alt + 0180 acute accent &micro; &#181; µ Alt + 0181 micro sign &para; &#182; ¶ Alt + 0182 paragraph sign &middot; &#183; · Alt + 0183 middle dot &cedil; &#184; ¸ Alt + 0184 cedilla &sup1; &#185; ¹ Alt + 0185 superscript one &ordm; &#186; º Alt + 0186 masculine ordinal &frac14; &#188; ¼ Alt + 0188 one-fourth &frac12; &#189; ½ Alt + 0189 one-half &frac34; &#190; ¾ Alt + 0190 three-fourths &iquest; &#191; ¿ Alt + 0191 inverted question mark &times; &#215; × Alt + 0215 multiplication sign For more Information see the original “Tip sheet on special characters“...

2008-03-09 · 3 min · 532 words · Mick Hohmann

Zitate (German)

“Ich nenne es einen fundamentalen Durchbruch in der Geschichte der Technik, daß beinahe über Nacht die CPU und ihre Software nebensächlich und das Netzwerk zentral geworden sind.” <George Gilder, Forbes ASAP, 1995-08> “Wenn man bedenkt, dass die Leute vor 150 Jahren ihre E-Mails noch bei Kerzenlicht geschrieben haben” <@ill, AmigaGer 2008-02> “Ärgere dich nicht über deine Fehler und Schwächen. Ohne sie wärst du zwar vollkommen, aber kein Mensch mehr.” <unknown>...

2008-03-09 · 1 min · 116 words · Mick Hohmann


Talking with a colleague of mine, I decided to put all quotes I’ve collected over the decades in this blog. Maybe someone else finds them amusing or even remembers them. Also if someone knows the authors of the quotes missing a correct author, I would appreciate it very much, if you would tell me so. “Adversity is not only a measure of your strength, it develops it.” <Tilly Boesche-Zacharowski> “As good as it gets” <Jack Nicholson in “As good as it gets”>...

2008-03-08 · 2 min · 291 words · Mick Hohmann


It’s been a while since I considered the concept of blogs generally and a personal blog for myself. As you may have already guessed, I positively finished the consideration. ;) Mainly because I think a blog is an easy way of sharing information and knowledge with others. Therefore, have fun reading, as I, when doing so, have fun writing …

2008-03-07 · 1 min · 60 words · Mick Hohmann